Mit diesem PowerShell-Skript werden die neuen Produkte und Klassifizierungen der letzten X Tage (in diesem Beispiel: 14 Tage) ansgegeben.
Die Parameter (WSUS-Servername, Port, SSL) müssen ggf. anpasst werden.
Hier das Skript:
# Variables - set these to fit your needs ############################################################################### # The server name of your WSUS server $serverName = 'localhost' # use SSL connection? $useSecureConnection = $False # the port number of your WSUS IIS website $portNumber = 80 # scan for new categories in the last ... days $categoryAge = 14 # Script - don't change anything below this line! ############################################################################### # load WSUS framework [void][reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration") # connect to specified WSUS server $wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($serverName, $useSecureConnection, $portNumber) [System.DateTime] $fromDate = [System.DateTime]::Now [System.DateTime] $toDate = [System.DateTime]::Now $fromDate = $fromDate.AddDays(-$categoryAge) [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateCategoryCollection] $coll = $wsus.GetUpdateCategories($fromDate, $toDate) foreach ($category in $coll) { if ($category.Type -eq [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateCategoryType]::Company) { $catTitle = $category.Title $catDate = $category.ArrivalDate "New company: $catTitle - added $catDate" } if ($category.Type -eq [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateCategoryType]::ProductFamily) { $catTitle = $category.Title $catDate = $category.ArrivalDate $catParent = $category.GetParentUpdateCategory() $catParentTitle = $catParent.Title "New family: $catParentTitle \ $catTitle - added $catDate" } if ($category.Type -eq [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateCategoryType]::Product) { $catTitle = $category.Title $catDate = $category.ArrivalDate $catParent = $category.GetParentUpdateCategory() $catParentTitle = $catParent.Title $catGrandParent = $catParent.GetParentUpdateCategory() $catGrandParentTitle = $catGrandParent.Title "New category: $catGrandParentTitle \ $catParentTitle \ $catTitle - added $catDate" } }
So sieht die Ausgabe aus:
New category: Microsoft \ Expression \ Expression Web 4 - added 03/22/2011 20:24:27 New category: Microsoft \ Microsoft Application Virtualization \ Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.6 - added 03/22/2011 20:24:27 New category: Microsoft \ Windows Embedded \ Windows Embedded Developer Update - added 03/24/2011 20:24:26 New family: Microsoft \ Windows Embedded - added 03/24/2011 20:24:24